National Programs
A. The administration of the awards, grants and scholarship programs will be under the direction of the National Programs Committee. This committee will be chaired by the National Vice-President or may be chaired by other national officer or a financial current member designated by the National President and will consist of one representative, appointed annually, from each of three local chapters.
The amount for
each award category will be determined annually and will be a part of the
KHSNAA Executive Board budget approval process.
Complete awards
packets will be provided to members of the KHSNAA Executive Board. Chapter
presidents will make application materials available to chapter members who are
eligible and who wish to sponsor an applicant.
Each chapter must
appoint a scholarship chairperson who will screen the completed applications
before submitting to the National Programs Committee.
submitted applications will be evaluated by the National Programs
Committee. Applications may be submitted
for both the Prunty and the Education awards, but
applicant is limited to one award.
All awards and
grants winners will be informed of the results of the evaluations and the
official announcement of recipients will be made during the banquet at the
annual reunion.
Award recipients
should make every effort to be in attendance at the banquet to receive the
award. When such attendance is not possible, the recipient may designate in
writing someone who will accept the award in her/his name. KHSNAA funds are not
available for awardee transportation to the reunion
National Programs Committee
The awards
package, including all deadlines for acceptance, must be assembled and mailed
to Executive Board members by March 31 or soon as feasible thereafter of the reunion year. Notification will be sent to all at-large
members indicating the availability of application materials upon their
B. Upon receipt, all applications are prepared for evaluation. For purposes of objectivity, all personal identity items are deleted from the applications prior to submission to the evaluators.
C. Completed evaluations are returned to the chair of the programs committee for the final tally to determine applicants who are to receive awards.
D. The National President will be given the results of the evaluations.
E. The chair of the programs committee will prepare a final report, including budget, to be submitted at the national business meeting.
Grants and Scholarships
U.H. Prunty Scholarship
(Minimum $500.00): A scholarship to an
eligible applicant who must be related to an association member whose
membership was active the year preceding application or to a former
member who is deceased.
To be eligible, the applicant must be a high school graduating senior with at least a "B" average or its equibalent and who has
been accepted for admission to an institution of higher learning.
Award: An award to an eligible applicant who must be
related to an association member whose membership was active the year
preceding the application or
to a former member who is deceased.
To be eligible, the applicant must be a high school graduating senior with at least a "C" average or its equivalent and who has
been accepted for admission to an institution of higher learning.
Education Award: An award to an eligible applicant who must be
related to an association member whose membership was active the year
preceding the application or to a former member who is deceased.
To be eligible, the applicant must be currently enrolled in an Associate's,
Bachelor's or Master's Degree program in an institution of higher learning
maintaining at least a “C” average or its equivalent.
Human Services
Grant: A competitive grant (minimum $500.00) available
to local chapters for the purpose of supporting specific non-profit service
organizations in their service area.